
Frequently Asked Questions

Check-in time is from 15:00. If you do arrive earlier, we will try our best to get a room for you as soon as possible.

Check-out time is 11:00 and later hotel check-out times are available (subject to availability) at an extra cost.

We are happy to look after your luggage in a safe and secure storeroom at no extra cost.

We can happily store luggage for you on the day of your arrival or the day of your departure while you explore the city.

If you have packages being delivered please advise us so we can store these. Packages can be accepted the day before your arrival at the hotel.

Clayton Hotel Bristol City can not accept responsibility for packages being delivered.

We have 24-hour in-room dining options available for collection. You can access the menu by scanning your guest services QR code in your room.

Our hotel fitness suite is available for all guests and equipped with treadmills, cross-trainer, recumbent bike & upright cycle, free weights and multi-gym.

We only allow service dogs into the hotel.

Our city centre hotel is within this zone. If you are travelling to us by car please make sure you visit this website.

Can we help?

If we haven’t answered your question please

Call +44 117 345 9401
